CZ 75 D Compact Reviews

CZ 75 D Compact Reviews

CZ 75 D Compact Review at the E-Zine

CZ 75 D Compact

CZ 75 D Compact Review at the E-Zine

May 26, 2017 by

The CZ 75 Compact, in contrast to the full-size pistol, offers only two basic variants. The CZ 75 Compact is an all steel pistol with a manual thumb safety, operating in traditional double action (DA/SA) mode. The CZ 75 D PCR Compact has a forged aluminum alloy frame and is equipped with a decocker rather than a thumb safety. The PCR also operates as a traditional double action (DA/SA) pistol. Our test pistol was the all-steel CZ 75 Compact with the manual thumb safety.