CZ 100 Reviews

CZ 100 Reviews

US COncealed carry review of the CZ 100

CZ 100

US COncealed carry review of the CZ 100

May 29, 2017 by

You know how some things set a standard. They become the benchmark by which all others are judged. Well, for many of my reviews I have mentioned the CZ 100 pistol as an example of what I consider to have just about the worst trigger ever made on any production handgun. I’ve mentioned it, but until now, I have never introduced it to you. That’s been rather rude of me, so I apologize. Let me introduce it to you now.

cz firearms forum discussion about the CZ 100

CZ 100

cz firearms forum discussion about the CZ 100

May 29, 2017 by

Hello, all.

Yesterday evening, I took delivery of my NIB 40 cal. CZ100 at the local pistol range. The serial number is in the B70XX range and the test target indicates a test fire date of 4/6/00.

The firing line forum discussion about the CZ 97

CZ 100

The firing line forum discussion about the CZ 97

May 29, 2017 by

I've been looking at this CZ pistol over and over, it looks like a good, no-nonsense pistol for selfdefense at close ranges (redundant). I see a nice grip (usual for CZ), I see a barrel that is positioned very close to the hand (like the M-40 series) and a nice construction. One of you guys had one for sale... In other words, what's the deal with this pistol?.